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Ricardo Ehlers

Ricardo Ehlers

My homepage. My CV (in Portuguese), (in English)

My research group (in Portuguese)

Email: ehlers AT leg. ufpr. br (please do not send me Word documents)

Main Research Areas:

Papers under submission

  1. Ehlers, R.S. Comparing Bayesian Models for Production Efficiency.
  2. Ehlers, R.S. and Brooks, S.P. Adaptive Proposal Construction for Reversible Jump MCMC.
  3. Ehlers, R.S. and Brooks, S.P. Bayesian Analysis of Order Uncertainty in ARIMA Models.

Papers in preparation

  1. Melo, L.G. and Ehlers, R.S. Fully Bayesian Approach for Computing Claim Amounts of Occuring but Not Reported Events.
  2. Ehlers, R.S. and Ferreira, M.A.R. Exploring Large Regression Model Spaces via Trans-dimensional Genetic Algorithms.
  3. Ehlers, R.S. Fully Bayesian Analysis of Smooth Transition Models with an Unknown Number of Components.
  4. Ehlers, R.S. Fully Bayesian Analysis of Censored Panel Data in Econometrics.

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