Modelos de Regressão Não Linear

Fundamentos e Aplicações em R

1 Ganho de peso de perus

rm(list = objects())


llayer <- latticeExtra::layer
# Valores iniciais baseados na interpretação gráfica.
# Modelo: th0 + th1 * x/(th2 + x);

data(turk0, package = "alr4")
## 'data.frame':    35 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ A   : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ Gain: int  644 631 661 624 633 610 615 605 608 599 ...
# Usando para os dados de ganho de peso de peru.

p0 <- xyplot(Gain ~ A, data = turk0, col = 1,
             xlab = "Metionina",
             ylab = "Ganho de peso")
# p0 +
#     llayer(with(list(f0 = 620, f1 = 160, k = 9),
#                 panel.curve(f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * x)),
#                             add = TRUE, col = 2)))

# Modelo monomolecular, na verdade é uma parametrização do anterior.
n0 <- nls(Gain ~ f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A)),
          data = turk0,
          start = list(f0 = 620, f1 = 160, k = 9))

# Resumo do ajuste.
## Formula: Gain ~ f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Parameters:
##    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## f0  622.958      5.901  105.57  < 2e-16 ***
## f1  178.252     11.636   15.32 2.74e-16 ***
## k     7.122      1.205    5.91 1.41e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 19.66 on 32 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 5 
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.853e-06
# Verificando.
p0 +
    llayer(panel.curve(f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * x)),
                       col = "red"),
           data = as.list(coef(n0)))

1.1 Configurações iniciais

# Configurações iniciais.

## [1] '1.10'
# Extremos do domínio da variável independente.
# dom <- range(turk0$A)
dom <- c(0, 0.6)

# Número pontos de suporte desejado.
# n_sup <- length(unique(turk0$A))
n_sup <- 10

# Delineamento regularmente espaçado para usar de valor inicial.
del_re <- cbind(A = seq(dom[1], dom[2], length.out = n_sup))
##                A
##  [1,] 0.00000000
##  [2,] 0.06666667
##  [3,] 0.13333333
##  [4,] 0.20000000
##  [5,] 0.26666667
##  [6,] 0.33333333
##  [7,] 0.40000000
##  [8,] 0.46666667
##  [9,] 0.53333333
## [10,] 0.60000000
p0 <- update(p0, xlim = extendrange(dom))

# Um delineamento equiespaçado.
p0 +
    llayer(panel.abline(v = del_re, col = "gray"))

# Desenho inicial (v.a. uniforme).
start_d <- del_re

1.2 Delineamento ótimo Bayesiano com prioris uniformes

# Priores uniformes para os parâmtros.

# Priores uniformes para os parâmetros.
prior_u <- list(support = cbind(f0 = c(0, 1000),
                                f1 = c(0, 1000),
                                k = c(0, 30)))

del_uni <- acenlm(formula = formula(n0)[-2],
                  start.d = start_d,
                  prior = prior_u,
                  criterion = "D",
                  N1 = 30,
                  N2 = 15,
                  lower = min(dom),
                  upper = max(dom),
                  progress = TRUE)
## Phase I iteration 1 out of 30 (Current value = 7.548787) 
## Phase I iteration 2 out of 30 (Current value = 7.560806) 
## Phase I iteration 3 out of 30 (Current value = 7.564025) 
## Phase I iteration 4 out of 30 (Current value = 7.564515) 
## Phase I iteration 5 out of 30 (Current value = 7.564517) 
## Phase I iteration 6 out of 30 (Current value = 7.564517) 
## Phase I iteration 7 out of 30 (Current value = 7.564517) 
## Phase I iteration 8 out of 30 (Current value = 7.566358) 
## Phase I iteration 9 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570033) 
## Phase I iteration 10 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570033) 
## Phase I iteration 11 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570033) 
## Phase I iteration 12 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570033) 
## Phase I iteration 13 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570034) 
## Phase I iteration 14 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570034) 
## Phase I iteration 15 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570034) 
## Phase I iteration 16 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570034) 
## Phase I iteration 17 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570034) 
## Phase I iteration 18 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570034) 
## Phase I iteration 19 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 20 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 21 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 22 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 23 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 24 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 25 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 26 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 27 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 28 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 29 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase I iteration 30 out of 30 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 1 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 2 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 3 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 4 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 5 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 6 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 7 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 8 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 9 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 10 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 11 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 12 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 13 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 14 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068) 
## Phase II iteration 15 out of 15 (Current value = 7.570068)
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: uniform
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:09
# plot(del_uni)

# Resuldado para o delineamento ótimo.
cbind(phase1 = sort(del_uni$phase1.d),
      phase2 = sort(del_uni$phase2.d))
##           phase1     phase2
##  [1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [2,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [3,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [4,] 0.05056983 0.05056983
##  [5,] 0.05747182 0.05747182
##  [6,] 0.05858971 0.05858971
##  [7,] 0.25729415 0.25729415
##  [8,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
##  [9,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
## [10,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
table(round(del_uni$phase2.d, digits = 2))
##    0 0.05 0.06 0.26  0.6 
##    3    1    2    1    3
p0 +
    llayer(panel.abline(v = del_uni$phase2.d, col = "orange"))

1.3 Delimeanto ótimo Bayesiano com prioris Gaussianas

# Priores gaussianas com método de Monte Carlo.

prior_g <- list(mu = c(f0 = 500, f1 = 200, k = 10),
                sigma2 = c(f0 = 200^2, f1 = 100^2, k = 3^2))

del_gau <- acenlm(formula = formula(n0)[-2],
                  start.d = start_d,
                  prior = prior_g,
                  criterion = "D",
                  N1 = 30,
                  N2 = 15,
                  lower = min(dom),
                  upper = max(dom),
                  progress = TRUE)
## Phase I iteration 1 out of 30 (Current value = 7.000296) 
## Phase I iteration 2 out of 30 (Current value = 7.100751) 
## Phase I iteration 3 out of 30 (Current value = 7.10128) 
## Phase I iteration 4 out of 30 (Current value = 7.10128) 
## Phase I iteration 5 out of 30 (Current value = 7.10128) 
## Phase I iteration 6 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101291) 
## Phase I iteration 7 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101291) 
## Phase I iteration 8 out of 30 (Current value = 7.10133) 
## Phase I iteration 9 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101349) 
## Phase I iteration 10 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101358) 
## Phase I iteration 11 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101358) 
## Phase I iteration 12 out of 30 (Current value = 7.10136) 
## Phase I iteration 13 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101361) 
## Phase I iteration 14 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101361) 
## Phase I iteration 15 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101362) 
## Phase I iteration 16 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101362) 
## Phase I iteration 17 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 18 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 19 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 20 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 21 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 22 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 23 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 24 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101363) 
## Phase I iteration 25 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101365) 
## Phase I iteration 26 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101365) 
## Phase I iteration 27 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101365) 
## Phase I iteration 28 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101365) 
## Phase I iteration 29 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101366) 
## Phase I iteration 30 out of 30 (Current value = 7.101366) 
## Phase II iteration 1 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 2 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 3 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 4 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 5 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 6 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 7 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 8 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 9 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 10 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 11 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 12 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 13 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 14 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368) 
## Phase II iteration 15 out of 15 (Current value = 7.101368)
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: normal
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:09
# plot(del_gau)

# Resuldado para o delineamento ótimo.
cbind(phase1 = sort(del_gau$phase1.d),
      phase2 = sort(del_gau$phase2.d))
##           phase1     phase2
##  [1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [2,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [3,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [4,] 0.09775279 0.09777919
##  [5,] 0.09777919 0.09777919
##  [6,] 0.09783794 0.09783794
##  [7,] 0.09820545 0.09783794
##  [8,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
##  [9,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
## [10,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
table(round(del_gau$phase2.d, digits = 2))
##   0 0.1 0.6 
##   3   4   3
p0 +
    llayer(panel.abline(v = del_gau$phase2.d, col = "orange"))

1.4 Delimeanto ótimo Bayesiano com prioris uniformes e restrição

O deliamento a seguir preserva as configurações anteriores. No entanto, é incluída a restrição de que os pontos de suporte consecutivos devem estar espaçadas de pelo menos algumas unidades.

# Fornece a restrição de espaçamento mínimo.

# Se usar o valor abaixo, vai forçar um delineamento equiespaçado.
min_dist <- diff(range(dom))/(nrow(del_re) - 1)
## [1] 0.06666667
# seq(dom[1], dom[2], by = min_dist)

# Usar uma fração então.
min_dist <- min_dist/4

limits <- function(d, i, j) {
    grid <- seq(from = dom[1], to = dom[2], length.out = 1000)
    for (s in as.vector(d)[-i]) {
        cond <- (grid <= (s - min_dist)) | (grid >= (s + min_dist))
        grid <- grid[cond]
del_uni_lim <- acenlm(formula = formula(n0)[-2],
                      start.d = start_d,
                      prior = prior_u,
                      criterion = "D",
                      N1 = 30,
                      N2 = 15,
                      limits = limits,
                      lower = min(dom),
                      upper = max(dom),
                      progress = TRUE)
## Phase I iteration 1 out of 30 (Current value = 7.137992) 
## Phase I iteration 2 out of 30 (Current value = 7.138438) 
## Phase I iteration 3 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140948) 
## Phase I iteration 4 out of 30 (Current value = 7.14098) 
## Phase I iteration 5 out of 30 (Current value = 7.14098) 
## Phase I iteration 6 out of 30 (Current value = 7.14098) 
## Phase I iteration 7 out of 30 (Current value = 7.14098) 
## Phase I iteration 8 out of 30 (Current value = 7.14098) 
## Phase I iteration 9 out of 30 (Current value = 7.14098) 
## Phase I iteration 10 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 11 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 12 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 13 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 14 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 15 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 16 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 17 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 18 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 19 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 20 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 21 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 22 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 23 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 24 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 25 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 26 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 27 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 28 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 29 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase I iteration 30 out of 30 (Current value = 7.140994) 
## Phase II iteration 1 out of 15 (Current value = 7.41237) 
## Phase II iteration 2 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 3 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 4 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 5 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 6 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 7 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 8 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 9 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 10 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 11 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 12 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 13 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 14 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847) 
## Phase II iteration 15 out of 15 (Current value = 7.535847)
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: uniform
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:08
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: uniform
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:08
# plot(del_uni_lim)

# Resuldado para o delineamento ótimo.
cbind(phase1 = sort(del_uni_lim$phase1.d),
      phase2 = sort(del_uni_lim$phase2.d))
##           phase1     phase2
##  [1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [2,] 0.01681682 0.00000000
##  [3,] 0.04444444 0.00000000
##  [4,] 0.06126126 0.04444444
##  [5,] 0.07807808 0.06126126
##  [6,] 0.24744745 0.07807808
##  [7,] 0.26426426 0.26426426
##  [8,] 0.56636637 0.56636637
##  [9,] 0.58318318 0.58318318
## [10,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
table(round(del_uni_lim$phase1.d, digits = 2))
##    0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.25 0.26 0.57 0.58  0.6 
##    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
p0 +
    llayer(panel.abline(v = del_uni_lim$phase1.d, col = "orange"))

1.5 Delimeanto ótimo Bayesiano com prioris Gaussianas e restrição

del_gau_lim <- acenlm(formula = formula(n0)[-2],
                      start.d = start_d,
                      prior = prior_g,
                      criterion = "D",
                      N1 = 30,
                      N2 = 15,
                      limits = limits,
                      lower = min(dom),
                      upper = max(dom),
                      progress = TRUE)
## Phase I iteration 1 out of 30 (Current value = 6.617585) 
## Phase I iteration 2 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 3 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 4 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 5 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 6 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 7 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 8 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 9 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 10 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 11 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 12 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 13 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 14 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 15 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 16 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 17 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 18 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 19 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 20 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 21 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 22 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 23 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 24 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 25 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 26 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 27 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 28 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 29 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase I iteration 30 out of 30 (Current value = 6.690034) 
## Phase II iteration 1 out of 15 (Current value = 6.947997) 
## Phase II iteration 2 out of 15 (Current value = 7.071785) 
## Phase II iteration 3 out of 15 (Current value = 7.081054) 
## Phase II iteration 4 out of 15 (Current value = 7.085449) 
## Phase II iteration 5 out of 15 (Current value = 7.087346) 
## Phase II iteration 6 out of 15 (Current value = 7.09761) 
## Phase II iteration 7 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 8 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 9 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 10 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 11 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 12 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 13 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 14 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029) 
## Phase II iteration 15 out of 15 (Current value = 7.100029)
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: normal
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:08
# plot(del_gau_lim)

# Resuldado para o delineamento ótimo.
cbind(phase1 = sort(del_gau_lim$phase1.d),
      phase2 = sort(del_gau_lim$phase2.d))
##           phase1     phase2
##  [1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [2,] 0.01681682 0.00000000
##  [3,] 0.07747748 0.00000000
##  [4,] 0.09429429 0.09429429
##  [5,] 0.11111111 0.09429429
##  [6,] 0.12792793 0.09429429
##  [7,] 0.54954955 0.60000000
##  [8,] 0.56636637 0.60000000
##  [9,] 0.58318318 0.60000000
## [10,] 0.60000000 0.60000000
table(round(del_gau_lim$phase1.d, digits = 2))
##    0 0.02 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.55 0.57 0.58  0.6 
##    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
p0 +
    llayer(panel.abline(v = del_gau_lim$phase1.d, col = "orange"))

1.6 Comparação dos resultados

# Resumo.

# Delineamentos bayesianos obtidos.
del_baye <- list(del_uni,
names(del_baye) <- c("U", "UR", "N", "NR")

del_sup <- lapply(del_baye, FUN = "[[", "phase1.d")
# del_sup

# Tabela com os pontos de suporte de cada delineamento.
tb_del <- lapply(del_sup, FUN = as.vector)
tb_del <- lapply(tb_del, FUN = sort)
tb_del <-, tb_del)
##                U         UR          N         NR
##  [1,] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
##  [2,] 0.00000000 0.01681682 0.00000000 0.01681682
##  [3,] 0.00000000 0.04444444 0.00000000 0.07747748
##  [4,] 0.05056983 0.06126126 0.09775279 0.09429429
##  [5,] 0.05747182 0.07807808 0.09777919 0.11111111
##  [6,] 0.05858971 0.24744745 0.09783794 0.12792793
##  [7,] 0.25729415 0.26426426 0.09820545 0.54954955
##  [8,] 0.60000000 0.56636637 0.60000000 0.56636637
##  [9,] 0.60000000 0.58318318 0.60000000 0.58318318
## [10,] 0.60000000 0.60000000 0.60000000 0.60000000
# Obtenção das eficiências relativas com relação aos delineamento
# Bayesianos.

# Eficiencias absolutas.
util <- sapply(del_baye,
               FUN = function(del) {
##       NR        N       UR        U 
## 6.690034 7.101366 7.140994 7.570068
# Amplitude de variação em eficiência absoluta.
## [1] 6.690034 7.570068
# Melhor e pior delineamento.
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: uniform
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:09
## Non Linear Model 
## Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
## Formula: ~f0 + f1 * (1 - exp(-k * A))
## Method:  quadrature 
## nr =  2 , nq =  8 
## Prior: normal
## Number of runs = 10
## Number of factors = 1
## Number of Phase I iterations = 30
## Number of Phase II iterations = 15
## Computer time = 00:00:08
# Compara os delineamentos mais contrastantes.
assess(d1 = del_baye[[which.max(util)]],
       d2 = del_baye[[which.min(util)]])
## Approximate expected utility of d1 = 7.570068 
## Approximate expected utility of d2 = 7.302126 
## Approximate relative D-efficiency = 109.3424%