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Blog Plugin

Blog Plugin

by Joel Rosa, 2007-01-11


The Blog Plugin makes blogs in your wiki easily possible. The blog component shows the latest entries (pages) from a namespace in reverse chronological order. In this new version, the creation date is the sort key – no longer the date of the last non-minor modification as in previous versions. The archive component lists all entries that were written (created) in the given month.

This plugin is the successor of the blog and archive components of the old Blog Plugin. It's therefore incompatible with it.



[namespace] namespace for the blog; subspaces will be searched as well; * is the whole wiki, . is the same namespace as the page lies in optional; default is the blog namespace set in the configuration
[number] number of entries to show per page optional; default is 5

This includes a specified number of most recent blog entries from the given namespace into the current page. Below the entries a link to the page (permalink), the author, the creation date and the number of comments are shown. Link, author, date and comments info can be hidden. At the end of the blog a link to older entries lets you navigate in the history of the blog. At the very end, if you have enough rights to create new pages, a form for new blog entries is displayed.


[namespace] the namespace for which you want a archive list; * is the whole wiki, . is the same namespace as the page lies in optional; default is the namespace specified in the configuration
[month] the month for the archive list in YYYY-MM format required

Shows a table with all pages of the given namespace that were created in the specified month. The first column is the linked title, the second column the author and the third column the creation date of the blog entry. Columns for author and date can be hidden.

QR Code
QR Code plugin:blog (generated for current page)