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publications:papercompanions:tweediereg [2016/05/17 09:06]
wbonat [section 2]
publications:papercompanions:tweediereg [2017/04/24 07:55]
wbonat [Flexible Tweedie regression models for continuous data]
Linha 1: Linha 1:
-====== ​Robust ​Tweedie regression models for continuous data ======+====== ​Flexible ​Tweedie regression models for continuous data ======
-  * Title: ​Robust ​Tweedie regression models for continuous data+  * Title: ​Flexible ​Tweedie regression models for continuous data
   * Authors: Wagner H. Bonat and Célestin C. Kokonendji   * Authors: Wagner H. Bonat and Célestin C. Kokonendji
-  * Journal: ​Computational Statistics ​and Data Analysis +  * Journal: ​Journal of Statistical Computation ​and Simulation 
-  * Status: ​submitted+  * Status: ​Published
 ===== Reference ===== ===== Reference =====
-  * Status: ​under review+  * Status: ​Published
 <​bibtex>​ <​bibtex>​
 @article{Bonat2016,​ @article{Bonat2016,​
-     title = {Robust ​Tweedie regression models for continuous data},+     title = {Flexible ​Tweedie regression models for continuous data},
      ​author = {Bonat, W. H. and Kokonendji, C. C.},      ​author = {Bonat, W. H. and Kokonendji, C. C.},
-     ​journal = {to appear},+     ​journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation},
      ​volume = {},      ​volume = {},
      ​number = {},      ​number = {},
      pages = {},      pages = {},
-     year = {2016}, +     year = {2017}, 
-     url = {}, +     url = {http://​www.tandfonline.com/​eprint/​i7YdHYKmVtttbmdC4NEu/​full}, 
-     doi = {},+     doi = {http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1080/​00949655.2017.1318876},
 } }
 </​bibtex>​ </​bibtex>​

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