4 Parameter Estimation

Theoretical and empirical variograms can be plotted and visually compared. For example, the left panel in Figure 6 shows the theoretical variogram model used to simulate the data s100 and two estimated variograms.

  > bin1 <- variog(s100, uvec = seq(0, 1, l = 11))
  > plot(bin1)
  > lines.variomodel(cov.model = "exp", cov.pars = c(1,
  +     0.3), nugget = 0, max.dist = 1, lwd = 3)
  > smooth <- variog(s100, option = "smooth", max.dist = 1,
  +     n.points = 100, kernel = "normal", band = 0.2)
  > lines(smooth, type = "l", lty = 2)
  > legend(0.4, 0.3, c("empirical", "exponential model",
  +     "smoothed"), lty = c(1, 1, 2), lwd = c(1,
  +     3, 1))

In practice we usually don’t know the true parameters which have top be estimated by some method. In the package geoR the model parameters can be estimated:

  1. “by eye”: trying different models over empirical variograms (using the function lines.variomodel),
  2. by least squares fit of empirical variograms: with options for ordinary (OLS) and weighted (WLS) least squares (using the function variofit),
  3. by likelihood based methods: with options for maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) (using the function likfit),
  4. Bayesian methods: are also implemented and will be presented in Section 5 (using the function krige.bayes).

Fitting “by eye” consists of drawing curves of theoretical variogram functions over an empirical variogram, changing the variogram model and/or its parameters and, at last, choosing one of them. The following commands show how to add a line with a variogram model to a variogram plot. Three different variogram models are used.

  > plot(variog(s100, max.dist = 1))
  > lines.variomodel(cov.model = "exp", cov.pars = c(1,
  +     0.3), nug = 0, max.dist = 1)
  > lines.variomodel(cov.model = "mat", cov.pars = c(0.85,
  +     0.2), nug = 0.1, kappa = 1, max.dist = 1,
  +     lty = 2)
  > lines.variomodel(cov.model = "sph", cov.pars = c(0.8,
  +     0.8), nug = 0.1, max.dist = 1, lwd = 2)


Figure 6: Theoretical variogram curves added to empirical variograms.

When using the parameter estimation functions variofit and likfit the nugget effect parameter can either be estimated or set to a fixed value. The same applies for smoothness, anisotropy and transformation parameters. Options for taking trends into account are also included. Trends can be specified as polynomial functions of the coordinates and/or linear functions of given covariates.

An example call to likfit is given below. Methods for print() and summary() have been written to summarize the resulting objects.

  > ml <- likfit(s100, ini = c(1, 0.5))

  likfit: likelihood maximisation using the function optim.
  likfit: Use control() to pass additional
           arguments for the maximisation function.
          For further details see documentation for optim.
  likfit: It is highly advisable to run this function several
          times with different initial values for the parameters.
  likfit: WARNING: This step can be time demanding!
  likfit: end of numerical maximisation.

  > ml

  likfit: estimated model parameters:
      beta    tausq  sigmasq      phi
  "0.7766" "0.0000" "0.7517" "0.1827"
  likfit: maximised log-likelihood = -83.57

  > summary(ml)

  Summary of the parameter estimation
  Estimation method: maximum likelihood
  Parameters of the mean component (trend):
  Parameters of the spatial component:
     correlation function: exponential
        (estimated) variance parameter sigmasq (partial sill) =  0.7517
        (estimated) cor. fct. parameter phi (range parameter)  =  0.1827
     anisotropy parameters:
        (fixed) anisotropy angle = 0  ( 0 degrees )
        (fixed) anisotropy ratio = 1
  Parameter of the error component:
        (estimated) nugget =  0
  Transformation parameter:
        (fixed) Box-Cox parameter = 1 (no transformation)
  Maximised Likelihood:
     log.L n.params      AIC      BIC
  "-83.57"      "4"  "175.1"  "185.6"
  non spatial model:
     log.L n.params      AIC      BIC
  "-125.8"      "2"  "255.6"  "260.8"
  likfit(geodata = s100, ini.cov.pars = c(1, 0.5))

The commands below shows how to fit models by using different methods, with options for fixed or estimated nugget parameter. Notice there are other features not illustrated here such as estimation of trends, anisotropy, smoothness and Box-Cox transformation parameter. Notice in the call above that the functions show some messages while they are running — and we don’t want to see them in the following calls. To prevent this we can set the argument messages = FALSE at each function call or, to set it globally for all functions use options() as follows.

  > options(geoR.messages = FALSE)

Now, the comands for plotting fitted models against empirical variogram as show in Figure 4 are:

  > par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
  > plot(bin1, main = expression(paste("fixed ", tau^2 ==
  +     0)))
  > lines(ml, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(reml, lwd = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(ols, lty = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(wls, lty = 2, lwd = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > legend(0.5, 0.3, legend = c("ML", "REML", "OLS",
  +     "WLS"), lty = c(1, 1, 2, 2), lwd = c(1, 2,
  +     1, 2), cex = 0.7)
  > plot(bin1, main = expression(paste("fixed ", tau^2 ==
  +     0.15)))
  > lines(ml.fn, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(reml.fn, lwd = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(ols.fn, lty = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(wls.fn, lty = 2, lwd = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > legend(0.5, 0.3, legend = c("ML", "REML", "OLS",
  +     "WLS"), lty = c(1, 1, 2, 2), lwd = c(1, 2,
  +     1, 2), cex = 0.7)
  > plot(bin1, main = expression(paste("estimated  ",
  +     tau^2)))
  > lines(ml.n, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(reml.n, lwd = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(ols.n, lty = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > lines(wls.n, lty = 2, lwd = 2, max.dist = 1)
  > legend(0.5, 0.3, legend = c("ML", "REML", "OLS",
  +     "WLS"), lty = c(1, 1, 2, 2), lwd = c(1, 2,
  +     1, 2), cex = 0.7)

Figure 7: Empirical variogram and models fitted by different methods.

Two kinds of variogram envelopes computed by simulation are illustrated in the figure below.

The plot on the left-hand side shows an envelope based on permutations of the data values across the locations, i.e. envelopes built under the assumption of no spatial correlation. The envelopes shown on the right-hand side are based on simulations from a given set of model parameters, in this example the parameter estimates from the WLS variogram fit. This envelope shows the variability of the empirical variogram.

  > env.mc <- variog.mc.env(s100, obj.var = bin1)
  > env.model <- variog.model.env(s100, obj.var = bin1,
  +     model = wls)

  > par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
  > plot(bin1, envelope = env.mc)
  > plot(bin1, envelope = env.model)


Figure 8: Variogram envelopes.

Profile likelihoods (1-D and 2-D) are computed by the function proflik. Here we show the profile likelihoods for the covariance parameters of the model without nugget effect previously fitted by likfit.

  > prof <- proflik(ml, geodata = s100, sill.val = seq(0.48,
  +     2, l = 11), range.val = seq(0.1, 0.52, l = 11),
  +     uni.only = FALSE)
  > par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
  > plot(prof, nlevels = 16)


Figure 9: Profile likelihoods for the model parameters