Relatórios Técnicos do LEG - Stats & Geoinformation Lab Technical Reports

Relatórios Técnicos do LEG - Stats & Geoinformation Lab Technical Reports

Este material não passou por nenhum processo de revisão. O conteúdo é de responsabilidade dos autores, comentários e criticas devem ser enviados diretamente aos autores.

These papers have not gone through any review process. The views expressed are those of the authors, comments and criticisms should go directly to the authors.

01/07 Ehlers, R.S. Comparing Bayesian Models for Production Efficiency, (R commands).

02/07 Melo, L. and Ehlers, R.S. A Bayesian Approach for Computing Claim Amounts of Occuring but Not Reported Events.

03/07 Ehlers, R.S. Computational Tools for Bayesian Comparison of Stochastic Volatility Models. (R/JAGS commands)

Previous technical reports

Department of Statistics