Tables and Queries With aRT

Pedro R. Andrade
Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr

September 10, 2008


1 Introduction
2 Static tables
 2.1 External tables
 2.2 Media tables
3 Attribute queries
 3.1 Join tables
 3.2 Attribute restrictions
 3.3 Spatial queries
4 Temporal Tables
 4.1 Event tables
 4.2 Dynamic attribute tables
 4.3 Dynamic geometry tables
 4.4 Fully dynamic tables
5 Temporal queries
 5.1 Joining tables
 5.2 Temporal slicing

1 Introduction

In aRT there are seven types of table, implementing the TerraLib models. They are:

These tables are encapsulated in the class aRTtable, and we can query them using aRTtheme and aRTquerier objects. The three classes are discussed in this document, and we present here how to execute database queries, selecting and joining attributes.

  > library(aRT)
  > conn = openConn(name="default")
  > if(any(showDbs(conn)=="tabletest")) deleteDb(conn, "tabletest", force=T)
  > db = createDb(conn,db="tabletest")

We will create a new layer, populate with some geometries, and, for each type of table, we discuss how to populate the table, and how to make temporal and attributes queries, using the other aRT classes. Note that spatial querier can be done directly using aRTlayer objects.

  > quantity = 10
  > xc = round(runif(quantity),2)
  > yc = round(runif(quantity),2)
  > xy = cbind(xc,yc)
  > xy.sp = SpatialPoints(xy)
  > xy.spdf = SpatialPointsDataFrame(xy, data.frame(ID=paste(1:quantity)))

  > lstatic = createLayer(db, l="static")
  > addPoints(lstatic, xy.spdf)

All non-geometric data in aRT is stored in tables, and the way to exchange this type of information with the database is using aRTtable objects. aRTtable objects are created and opened from aRTlayer objects, using createTable and openTable, respectively. Table data is read from and written to databases using data.frame. row.names are not used to represent IDs in aRT, because IDs can be unsuficient to describe temporal data.

2 Static tables

The most basic type of table in aRT is static. Static tables store attributes with no variation in the time, for example the object df below:

  > ID=getID(xy.spdf)
  > norm=unlist(lapply(ID, function(x) rnorm(1, 20,10)))
  > unif=unlist(lapply(ID, function(x) runif(1, 1,100)))
  > df = data.frame(ID, norm, unif)
  > df

     ID      norm     unif
  1   1 11.984301 97.89574
  2   2 19.713813 31.62978
  3   3 15.566071 89.62430
  4   4 21.704297 56.84160
  5   5  6.500174 38.60381
  6   6  6.332662 36.27251
  7   7 11.063396 63.53696
  8   8 32.873980 23.49168
  9   9 34.684389 11.19028
  10 10  7.358129 91.07037

To create a static table in a layer we use createTable():

  > tstatic = createTable(lstatic, "tstatic")
  > tstatic

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "tstatic"
  Type: static
  Layer: "static"
  Rows: 10
      id: character[16] (key)

Note that when we create a table it already has 10 rows with the unique IDs from the geometries. To add this data to the table we use updateColumns, and it also create new columns using colnames(df).

  > updateColumns(tstatic, df)
  > tstatic

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "tstatic"
  Type: static
  Layer: "static"
  Rows: 10
      id: character[16] (key)
      norm: numeric
      unif: numeric

And finally, getData is used for reading the data from the table:

  > getData(tstatic)

     id   norm   unif
  1   1 11.984 97.896
  2  10  7.358 91.070
  3   2 19.714 31.630
  4   3 15.566 89.624
  5   4 21.704 56.842
  6   5  6.500 38.604
  7   6  6.333 36.273
  8   7 11.063 63.537
  9   8 32.874 23.492
  10  9 34.684 11.190

  > df2 = data.frame(ID, norm=unlist(lapply(ID, function(x) rnorm(1, 20,10))), uniff=unif)
  > updateColumns(tstatic,df2)
  > getData(tstatic)

     id   norm   unif  uniff
  1   1 10.982 97.896 97.896
  2  10 49.948 91.070 91.070
  3   2  5.711 31.630 31.630
  4   3 15.653 89.624 89.624
  5   4 36.562 56.842 56.842
  6   5 19.498 38.604 38.604
  7   6 18.246 36.273 36.273
  8   7  4.481 63.537 63.537
  9   8 10.616 23.492 23.492
  10  9 30.936 11.190 11.190

Note that, as aRT automatically have created the rows, the order of the rows in the result is not the same of the df.

To avoid it, we can create an empty table, and populate it manually. First, we need to use gen=FALSE, to avoid generate the rows of the table:

  > tstatic2=createTable(lstatic, "tstatic2", gen=FALSE)
  > tstatic2

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "tstatic2"
  Type: static
  Layer: "static"
  Rows: 0
      id: character[16] (key)

The argument gen indicates that the function must create one row for each spatial object, and fill it with the ID of the spatial object. Now we need to create two columns, one of integer type and other of real type, and then we add some rows to the table.

  > createColumn(tstatic2, "norm", type = "integer")
  > createColumn(tstatic2, "unif", type = "numeric")
  > addRows(tstatic2, df[1:5,])
  > getData(tstatic2)

    id norm   unif
  1  1   12 97.896
  2  2   20 31.630
  3  3   16 89.624
  4  4   22 56.842
  5  5    7 38.604

  > addRows(tstatic2, df[6:10,])
  > getData(tstatic2)

     id norm   unif
  1   1   12 97.896
  2  10    7 91.070
  3   2   20 31.630
  4   3   16 89.624
  5   4   22 56.842
  6   5    7 38.604
  7   6    6 36.273
  8   7   11 63.537
  9   8   33 23.492
  10  9   35 11.190

But addRows only creates new elements in the table, it cannot change the old elements. For example

  > err= try(addRows(tstatic2, data.frame(ID="1",norm=2.1,unif=0.3)))
  > strsplit(err[1]," : ")

  [1] "Error in .aRTcall(object, \"cppAddRows\", colnames = colnames(data), length = length(rownames(data)), "
  [2] "\n  Could not insert data in the table\n\n"

  > getData(tstatic2)[1:3,]

    id norm   unif
  1  1   12 97.896
  2 10    7 91.070
  3  2   20 31.630

We can also create columns of string type, and set the maximum size of the string, as:

  > createColumn(tstatic2, "charcol", type = "character", length=5)
  > tstatic2

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "tstatic2"
  Type: static
  Layer: "static"
  Rows: 10
      id: character[16] (key)
      norm: integer
      unif: numeric
      charcol: character[5]

updateColumns() already calculates the type and the size of the data, before creating the columns.

2.1 External tables

External tables are tables with no geometry associated. Therefore they are created directly from the database, and we can not use genID. We create external tables also using createTable, as in the next example:

  > texternal=createTable(db, "texternal", ID="myid", length=5)
  > texternal

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "texternal"
  Type: external
  Rows: 0
      myid: character[5] (key)

Note that here we define the name of the key and also its length. It can be defined when creating tables from layers too. As texternal is an object of class aRTtable we can use the same functions as described for tables from layers.

2.2 Media tables

Media tables are useful when building databases that will be used in TerraView, or another TerraLib-based GIS. It associates a web page to a double-click in a drawn geometry. This type of table can be created using type="media":

  > mediatable=createTable(lstatic,type="media")

A layer can have one, and only one, media table, and a media table does not have a name. Also, each media table has two, and only two, atributes: object_id, the link to geometries, and media_name, a web address.

  > mediatable

  Object of class aRTtable
  Type: media
  Layer: static
  Rows: 0
      object_id: character[50] (key)
      media_name: character[255] (key)

A media table can be manipulated as all the other tables, but new columns can not be created. In the next code we associate web pages to each geometry of the layer, and we use addRows() to fill the table.

  > ID=getID(xy.spdf)
  > url=""
  > name=lapply(ID, function(x) sprintf("%s%s.html",url, x))
  > name=unlist(name)
  > df = data.frame(object_id=ID, media_name=name)
  > addRows(mediatable, df)

To check if it is correct, we can use getData():

  > getData(mediatable)[1:5,]

    object_id                                       media_name
  1         1
  2        10
  3         2
  4         3
  5         4

  > lstatic

  Object of class aRTlayer
  Layer: "static"
  Database: "tabletest"
  Number of points: 10
  Projection Name: "NoProjection"
  Projection Datum: "Spherical"
      "tstatic": static
      "tstatic2": static
      "media_layer_1": media

3 Attribute queries

We can get all the data of a table using getData(). But some operations are useful, for example selecting values that follows a condition, and it can be an attribute, or spatial, or temporal condition. In the case of spatial queries, here we only use the result to get spatial/attribute queries. If you want to see how spatial queries work, see Spatial Queries.

To execute database queries, we need to create aRTtheme objects.

3.1 Join tables

3.2 Attribute restrictions

3.3 Spatial queries

4 Temporal Tables

Temporal tables in aRT work as static tables, noting that there are three identifiers, instead of only one in static tables. The two others are the initial and the final time.

These attributes are srtings, but they follows TerraLib model of dates. To convert temporal dates to aRT format we will use toDate(). This function gets as arguments integer variables year = 0, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0 and second = 0 and returns a string describing the date. It is a bit different from ISOdate.

  > toDate(year=2008,month=8,day=7,hour=6, sec=5)

  [1] "2008-08-07 06:00:05"

  > ISOdate(year=2008,month=8,day=7,hour=6, sec=5)

  [1] "2008-08-07 06:00:05 GMT"

4.1 Event tables

An event table represents a temporal table which each element has a static geometry and attributes, but it occours in a time interval. When we are using an event table, we do not need static tables because each event is unique, and therefore we can put all attributes in the same table. We will use the same layer to create an event table.

  > lpoints = lstatic #createLayer(db, l="points")

To create an event table, we need to set type="event" at createTable(). The default value of this argument is "static" when creating from layers and "external" when creating directly from databases.

  > tevent=createTable(lpoints, "events", type="event")
  > tevent

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "events"
  Type: event
  Layer: "static"
  Rows: 0
      id: character[16] (key)
      time: date (key)

When an event table is created, it already contains three attributes: ID, itime and ftime, and they are keys. We recommend not to generate IDs (gen=FALSE), because it would also generate itime and ftime, and put zero in all time values (0000-00-00 00:00:00).

To fill the event table we will generate a random attribute value with duration of 59 minutes, all in the same day:

  > ID=getID(xy.spdf)
  > hours = unlist(lapply(ID, function(x) round(runif(1,0,10),0)))
  > time=unlist(lapply(hours, function(x) toDate(y=2008, month=3, day=30, hour=x)))
  > #ftime=unlist(lapply(hours, function(x) toDate(y=2008, month=3, day=30, hour=x, minute=59)))
  > value=unlist(lapply(ID, function(x) runif(1, 1,100)))
  > df = data.frame(ID, value, time)
  > df[1:7,]

    ID     value                time
  1  1 37.292322 2008-03-30 04:00:00
  2  2 13.109769 2008-03-30 05:00:00
  3  3 98.482764 2008-03-30 01:00:00
  4  4 32.542697 2008-03-30 03:00:00
  5  5 58.776804 2008-03-30 04:00:00
  6  6 80.230024 2008-03-30 02:00:00
  7  7  4.076095 2008-03-30 01:00:00

As the table already has three attributes, we need only to create the column value, and then we can add the rows:

  > createColumn(tevent, "value", type="i")
  > addRows(tevent, df)
  > tevent

  Object of class aRTtable
  Table: "events"
  Type: event
  Layer: "static"
  Rows: 10
      id: character[16] (key)
      time: date (key)
      value: integer

  > getData(tevent)

     id                time value
  1   1 2008-03-30 04:00:00    37
  2  10 2008-03-30 01:00:00    40
  3   2 2008-03-30 05:00:00    13
  4   3 2008-03-30 01:00:00    98
  5   4 2008-03-30 03:00:00    33
  6   5 2008-03-30 04:00:00    59
  7   6 2008-03-30 02:00:00    80
  8   7 2008-03-30 01:00:00     4
  9   8 2008-03-30 09:00:00    87
  10  9 2008-03-30 06:00:00    54

4.2 Dynamic attribute tables

Dynamic attribute tables work with geometries where one or more attributes changes with the time. It works such as event tables, with the conceptual difference that the identifier may repeat.

  > #tdynatt=createTable(lpoints, "dynatt", type="dynatt")
  > #tdynatt

4.3 Dynamic geometry tables

(not implemented yet)

4.4 Fully dynamic tables

(not implemented yet)

5 Temporal queries

We can get all table data with getData(), but if it is a temporal table, we get it sliced. To do it, we need first to create an aRTtheme object.

  > theme=createTheme(lpoints, "events", table="events")
  > theme

  Object of class aRTtheme
  Theme: "events"
  Layer: "static"
  View: "events"
  Number of points: 10
  Table: "events"
  Attributes: "id", "time", "value"

  > #getData(theme)[1:7,]

Note that the theme has two tables ("static" and "events"), and getData() returns the join of them.

5.1 Joining tables

5.2 Temporal slicing

To slice the theme data, we need to create an aRTquerier, with openQuerier(). This function takes as argument chronon, representing the type of slides to be produced. It can be "second", "month", "season", "year", "weekofyear" and others, and the default is "nochronon". To exemplify using aRTquerier, we implement an algorithm to calculate the number of occourences in each hour, and the sums of value. Therefore we need an aRTquerier sliced by hour.

  > querier = openQuerier(theme, chronon="hour")
  > querier

  Object of class aRTquerier
  Theme: "events"
  Retrieves: geometry
  Frames: 0/9
  Elements: 0/0

To get data from the querier there are two functions. nextSlide() loads the next slide, returning the number of elements of it, and getData() returns one of the elements of the slide, read from the database. Both functions do not take any argument.

  > qtde = summary(querier)$slides
  > #$
  > #qtde
  > #time=occourrences=total.value=NULL
  > #for(i in 1:qtde)
  > #{
  > # value = nextSlide(querier)
  > # if(value != 0){
  > #   occourrences = c(occourrences, value)
  > #   sum = 0
  > #   for(j in 1:value)
  > #   {
  > #       data=getData(querier)
  > #       sum = sum + as.integer(data$data$value)
  > #   }
  > #   time=c(time, data$data$itime)
  > #   total.value = c(total.value, sum)
  > # }
  > #}
  > #time
  > #occourrences
  > #total.value
  > #data.frame(time, occourrences, total.value)


Chambers, J.M., 1998, Programming with data, a guide to the S language. Springer, New York.