General functions

## Tranformations
lambda2mu <- function(lambda, nu) {
    phi <- log(nu)
    mu <- lambda^(1/nu) - (nu - 1)/(2 * nu)
    list("mu" = mu, "phi" = phi)

mu2lambda <- function(mu, phi) {
    nu <- exp(phi)
    lambda <- (mu + (nu-1)/(2*nu))^nu
    list("lambda" = lambda, "nu" = nu)

## Compute momentes mean and variance
calc_moments <- Vectorize(FUN = function(mu, phi) {
    pars <- mu2lambda(mu, phi)
    mu <- cmpreg::calc_mean_cmp(log(pars[["lambda"]]), phi)
    va <- cmpreg::calc_var_cmp(log(pars[["lambda"]]), phi)
    ## mu <-, pars)
    ## va <-, pars)
    c("mean" = mu, "var" = va)
}, vectorize.args = c("mu", "phi"))

## Negative log-likelihood functions

## COM-Poisson Model (Original parameterization)
llcmp <- function (params, y, X, offset = NULL, sumto = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(offset)) {
        stop("This model doesn't support offset yet.")
    phi <- params[1]
    nu <- exp(phi)
    Xb <- X %*% params[-1]
    i <- 0:sumto
    zs <- sapply(Xb, function(loglambda) {
        sum(exp(i * loglambda - nu * lfactorial(i)))
    Z <- sum(log(zs))
    ll <- sum(y * Xb - nu * lfactorial(y)) - Z

## COM-Poisson Model (mean-parameterization)
llcmp2 <- function (params, y, X, offset = NULL, sumto = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(offset)) {
        stop("This model doesn't support offset yet.")
    phi2 <- params[1]
    nu <- exp(phi2)
    mu <- exp(X %*% params[-1])
    Xb <- nu * log(mu + (nu - 1)/(2 * nu))
    i <- 0:sumto
    zs <- sapply(Xb, function(loglambda) {
        sum(exp(i * loglambda - nu * lfactorial(i)))
    Z <- sum(log(zs))
    ll <- sum(y * Xb - nu * lfactorial(y)) - Z

## Framework for fit count models (using bbmle::mle2 function)
fitcm <- function(formula, data, start = NULL,
                  model = c("CP", "CP2"), ...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    model <- match.arg(model)
    frame <- model.frame(formula, data)
    terms <- attr(frame, "terms")
    y <- model.response(frame)
    X <- model.matrix(terms, frame)
    off <- model.offset(frame)
    if (is.null(start)) {
        m0 <- = X, y = y, offset = off, family = poisson())
        start <- c(0, m0$coefficients)

    if (model == "CP") {
        names(start)[1] <- "phi"
        bbmle::parnames(llcmp) <- names(start)
        sumto <- dots$sumto
        dots$sumto <- NULL
        args <- append(
            list(minuslog = llcmp, start = start,
                 data = list(y = y, X = X, offset = off,
                             sumto = sumto, model = model),
                 vecpar = TRUE), dots)
        fit <- suppressWarnings(
   = bbmle::mle2, args = args))
    if (model == "CP2") {
        names(start)[1] <- "phi2"
        bbmle::parnames(llcmp2) <- names(start)
        sumto <- dots$sumto
        dots$sumto <- NULL
        args <- append(
            list(minuslog = llcmp2, start = start,
                 data = list(y = y, X = X, offset = off,
                             sumto = sumto, model = model),
                 vecpar = TRUE), dots)
        fit <- suppressWarnings(
   = bbmle::mle2, args = args))
    slot(fit, "call.orig") <-

## Analysis of Deviance Table to glm and mle2 objetcs
getAnova <- function(..., print = TRUE) {
    model.list <- list(...)
    test <- "Chisq"
    cls <- sapply(model.list, function(x) class(x)[1])
    if (all(cls == "glm")) {
        fam <- sapply(model.list, function(x) x$family$family)
        if (all(fam == "quasipoisson")) {
            test <- "F"
    nps <- sapply(model.list, function(x) attr(logLik(x), "df"))
    aic <- sapply(model.list, function(x) AIC(x))
    if (test == "Chisq") {
        lls <- sapply(model.list, function(x) logLik(x))
        cst <- 2 * diff(lls)
        pvs <- pchisq(cst, df = diff(nps), lower.tail = FALSE)
        tab <- cbind(
            "np" = nps,
            "ll" = lls,
            "AIC" = aic,
            "2*dif" = c(NA, cst),
            "dif np" = c(NA, diff(nps)),
            "Pr(>Chisq)" = c(NA, pvs))
    if (test == "F") {
        ## ver pág. 187 expresssão 7.10 em Modern Applied, Ripley
        sigma <- sapply(model.list, function(x) summary(x)$dispersion)
        df.sigma <- sapply(model.list, function(x) x$df.residual)
        dev <- sapply(model.list, function(x) deviance(x))
        dfs <- c(NA, -diff(dev))
        dnp <- c(NA, diff(nps))
        F <- c(NA, -diff(dev))/(dnp * sigma)
        pvs <- pf(F, df1 = dnp, df2 = df.sigma, lower.tail = FALSE)
        tab <- cbind(
            "np" = nps,
            "dev" = dev,
            "AIC" = aic,
            "F" = F,
            "dif np" = dnp,
            "Pr(>F)" = pvs)
    rownames(tab) <- 1:length(model.list)
    if (print) printCoefmat(tab, na.print = "", cs.ind = 1)

## Get the estimated coefficients of the parameters
getCoefs <- function(model, digits = 3, rownames = NULL) {
    glue <- function(est, d = digits) {
        ## apply(est, 1, FUN = function(x)
        ##     paste0(format(x[1], digits = d, nsmall = d), " (",
        ##            format(x[2], digits = d, nsmall = d), ")"))
    cls <- class(model)[1]
    est <- switch(
        "glm" = {
            fam <- model$family$family
            if (!fam %in% c("poisson", "quasipoisson")) {
                stop("Família de distribuições não contemplada")
                "poisson" = {
                    glue(rbind(c(NA, NA),
                               summary(model)$coef[, c(1, 3)]))
                "quasipoisson" = {
                    glue(rbind(c(summary(model)$dispersion, NA),
                          summary(model)$coef[, c(1, 3)]))
        "mle2" = {
            glue(bbmle::summary(model)@coef[, c(1, 3)])
    if (!is.null(rownames)) {
        rownames(est) <- rownames
    colnames(est) <- c("Est", "Est/EP")

## Predict Values

## Get the interval values of linear predictors (for Delta method with
## cholesky decomposition)
cholV_eta <- function(V, X, b, qn) {
    eta <- c(X %*% b)
    if (length(qn) > 1) {
        U <- chol(V)
        stderr <- sqrt(
            apply(X %*% t(U), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) sum(x^2))
        eta <- sweep(x = outer(stderr, qn, FUN = "*"),
                     MARGIN = 1,
                     STATS = eta,
                     FUN = "+")

## Get the means (inverse link function)
calc_mean <- function(eta, dispersion, model = c("CP", "CP2"),
                      tol = 1e-5, offset = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(offset)) {
        offset <- 1L
    model <- match.arg(model)
    names(eta) <- NULL
    names(dispersion) <- NULL
    pars <- data.frame(eta = eta, dispersion = dispersion)
    if (model == "CP") {
        pars <- transform(pars, lambda = exp(eta),
                          nu = exp(dispersion))
        sumto <- list(...)$sumto
        approxmu <- with(pars, lambda^(1/nu) - (nu - 1)/(2 * nu))
        sigma <- with(pars, (1/nu) * approxmu)
        sigma <- ifelse(sigma < 0, 0, sigma)
        ymax <- ceiling(max(approxmu + 5 * sqrt(sigma)))
        etamax <- max(pars$eta)
        dispersionmin <- min(pars$dispersion)
        pmax <- exp(
            -llcmp(params = c(dispersionmin, etamax), y = ymax, X = 1,
                   sumto = sumto))
        while (pmax > tol) {
            ymax <- ymax + 1
            pmax <- exp(
                -llcmp(params = c(dispersionmin, etamax),
                        y = ymax, X = 1, sumto = sumto))
        y <- 1:ymax
        estmean <- mapply(
            eta = pars$eta,
            nu = pars$nu,
            MoreArgs = list(y = y),
            FUN = function(eta, nu, y) {
                i <- 0:sumto
                zs <- sapply(eta, function(eta) {
                    sum(exp(i * eta - nu * lfactorial(i)))
                py <- exp(y * eta - nu * lfactorial(y) - sum(log(zs)))
                sum(y * py)
            SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
    if (model == "CP2") {
        estmean <- exp(eta)
    names(estmean) <- NULL

## Calculate the confidence interval of predict values
predictcm <- function(object, newdata, offset = NULL, level = 0.95) {
    if (missing(newdata)) {
        X <- object@data$X
    } else {
        X <- newdata
    qn <- -qnorm((1 - level[1])/2)
    qn <- qn * c(fit = 0, lwr = -1, upr = 1)
    V <- vcov(object)
    Vc <- V[-1, -1] - V[-1, 1] %*% solve(V[1, 1]) %*% V[1, -1]
    ## Vc <- V[-1, -1]
    eta <- cholV_eta(Vc, X, b = coef(object)[-1], qn = qn)
    args <- list(dispersion = coef(object)[1],
                 model = object@data$model,
                 offset = offset)
    if (object@data$model == "CP") {
        args$sumto <- object@data$sumto
    pred <- apply(as.matrix(eta), MARGIN = 2,
                  FUN = function(x) {
             = calc_mean,
                              args = append(list(eta = x), args))
    colnames(pred) <- names(qn)

## Trellis panel functions for lattice graphics (use wzRfun)

body(panel.cbH)[[14]][[3]][[3]] <-
    quote(panel.lines(xo, lyo, col = col.line, lty = list(...)$lty))
body(panel.cbH)[[14]][[3]][[4]] <-
    quote(panel.lines(xo, uyo, col = col.line, lty = list(...)$lty))

## To profile log-likelihood
myprofile <- function(model, which) {
    sel <- c("param", "z", "focal")
    prof <- profile(model, which = which)[, sel]

## To plot profile in lattice
xyprofile <- function(prof, conf = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99),
                      namestrip = NULL, subset = 4,
                      scales.x = "free", ...) {
    conf <- conf[order(conf, decreasing = TRUE)]
    da <- subset(prof, abs(z) <= subset)
    fl <- levels(da$param)
    if (!is.null(namestrip)) {
        fl <- namestrip
    xyplot(abs(z) ~ focal | param,
           data = da,
           layout = c(NA, 1),
           ## ylab = expression(abs(z)~~(sqrt(~Delta~"deviance"))),
           ylab = expression(sqrt(2~(L(hat(phi))-L(phi)))),
           scales = list(x = scales.x),
           type = c("l", "g"),
           strip = strip.custom(
               factor.levels = fl),
           panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
               conf <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99)
               hl <- sqrt(qchisq(conf, 1))
               mle <- x[y == 0]
               xl <- x[x < mle]; yl <- y[x < mle]
               xr <- x[x > mle]; yr <- y[x > mle]
               funleft <- approxfun(x = yl, y = xl)
               funright <- approxfun(x = yr, y = xr)
               vxl <- funleft(hl)
               vxr <- funright(hl)
               vz <- c(hl, hl)
               panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
               panel.arrows(c(vxl, vxr), 0, c(vxl, vxr), vz,
                            code = 1, length = 0.1, lty = 2,
                            col = "gray40")
               panel.segments(vxl, vz, vxr, vz, lty = 2,
                              col = "gray40")
               panel.abline(h = 0, v = mle, lty = 3)
               panel.text(x = rep(mle, 2), y = vz + 0.1,
                          labels = paste(conf*100, "%"),
                          col = "gray20")
           }, ...)

Graphics configuration

## Report settings
    warning = FALSE,
    message = FALSE,
    fig.width = 9,
    fig.height = 4,
    dev.args = list(family = "Palatino"))
## Load the lattice packages and customize outputs graphics

add.alpha <- function(col, alpha = 1){
    apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2,
          function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha = alpha))

## Define Colors
mycol <- c(1, "#377EB8", "#E41A1C", "#4DAF4A",
           "#ff00ff", "#FF7F00", "#984EA3", "#FFFF33", "#808080")
myreg <- colorRampPalette(c(mycol[3],  "gray90", mycol[2]))(100)

## Trellis graphical style.
ps <- list(
    superpose.symbol = list(
        col = mycol, pch = 1,
        fill = add.alpha(mycol, alpha = 0.4)),
    box.rectangle = list(col = 1, fill = c("gray70")),
    box.umbrella = list(col = 1, lty = 1), = list(pch = "|"),
    dot.symbol = list(col = 1, pch = 19),
    dot.line = list(col = "gray50", lty = 3),
    plot.symbol = list(col = 1),
    plot.line = list(col = 1),
    plot.polygon = list(col = "gray95"),
    superpose.line = list(col = mycol, lty = 1),
    superpose.polygon = list(col = mycol),
    strip.background = list(col = c("gray90", "gray70")),
    regions = list(col = myreg),
    par.sub.text = list(
        font = 1, just = "left", cex = 0.9,
        x = grid::unit(10, "mm"))


## Alternative settings
ac <- list(pad1 = 0.5, pad2 = 0.5, tck = 0.5)
ps2 <- list(
    layout.widths = list(
        left.padding = 0.25,
        right.padding = -1,
        ylab.axis.padding = 0),
    layout.heights = list(
        bottom.padding = 0.25,
        top.padding = 0,
        axis.xlab.padding = 0, = 0),
    axis.components = list(
        bottom = ac, top = ac,
        left = ac, right = ac)

Moments Approximation

## =====================================================================
## Analysis of Approximation moments
##                                                        Eduardo Junior
##                                                            2017-03-16
## =====================================================================
## Load package and functions


## Colors for legends
cols <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col
## Convergence of Z(lambda, nu) constant
computeZ <- function(lambda, nu, maxit = 1e4, tol = 1e-5) {
    z <- vector("numeric", maxit)
    j = 1
    z[j] <- exp(j * log(lambda) - nu * lfactorial(j))
    while (abs(z[j] - 0) > tol && j <= maxit) {
        j = j + 1
        z[j] <- exp(j * log(lambda) - nu * lfactorial(j))
    if (lambda == 1 & nu == 0) z <- Inf
    return(sum(z, na.rm = TRUE) + 1)

grid <- expand.grid(
    lambda = c(0.5, 1, 5, 10, 30, 50),
    nu = seq(0, 1, length.out = 11))
grid$z <- apply(grid, 1, function(par) {
    computeZ(lambda = par[1], nu = par[2], maxit = 1e4)

xt <- xtabs(z ~ nu + lambda, data = grid)
##      lambda
## nu              0.5             1             5            10
##   0    1.999992e+00           Inf           Inf           Inf
##   0.1  1.916269e+00  7.642745e+00           Inf           Inf
##   0.2  1.856385e+00  5.253523e+00 3.167527e+273           Inf
##   0.3  1.810601e+00  4.319695e+00  1.602324e+29 2.541984e+282
##   0.4  1.774097e+00  3.803204e+00  4.710590e+10  1.326456e+56
##   0.5  1.744133e+00  3.469505e+00  1.339958e+06  3.668680e+22
##   0.6  1.719005e+00  3.233784e+00  2.050181e+04  4.993080e+12
##   0.7  1.697585e+00  3.057328e+00  2.372940e+03  3.685683e+08
##   0.8  1.679084e+00  2.919745e+00  6.488009e+02  2.698812e+06
##   0.9  1.662937e+00  2.809192e+00  2.740935e+02  1.466388e+05
##   1    1.648721e+00  2.718282e+00  1.484132e+02  2.202647e+04
##      lambda
## nu               30            50
##   0             Inf           Inf
##   0.1           Inf           Inf
##   0.2           Inf           Inf
##   0.3           Inf           Inf
##   0.4           Inf           Inf
##   0.5 3.319764e+196           Inf
##   0.6  1.730117e+76 4.627475e+177
##   0.7  4.929488e+39  6.933351e+81
##   0.8  5.086211e+24  3.425421e+46
##   0.9  1.801582e+17  2.191499e+30
##   1    1.068647e+13  5.184706e+21
## Study the approximation
## Mean and variance relationship
aux <- expand.grid(
    mu = seq(2, 30, length.out = 50),
    phi = seq(log(0.3), log(2.5), length.out = 50))

moments <- mapply(FUN = calc_moments,
                  mu = aux$mu,
                  phi = aux$phi,
                  SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
grid <- cbind(aux, t(, moments)))
grid <- transform(grid, va = mu / exp(phi))

col <- brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "RdBu")
myreg <- colorRampPalette(colors = col)
xy1 <- xyplot(var ~ mean,
              groups = phi,
              data = grid,
              type = "l",
              lwd = 2,
              axis = axis.grid,
              xlab = expression(E(X)),
              ylab = expression(V(X)),
              sub = "(a)",
              legend = list(
                  top = list(
                      fun = draw.colorkey,
                      args = list(
                          key = list(
                              space = "top",
                              col = myreg(length(unique(grid$phi))),
                              at = unique(grid$phi),
                              draw = FALSE)))),
              par.settings = modifyList(
                  ps2, list(superpose.line = list(
                                col = myreg(length(unique(grid$phi))))
              panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                  panel.curve(1*x, min(x), max(x), lty = 2)
              page = function(...) {
                            just = "bottom",
                            x = unit(0.10, "npc"),
                            y = unit(0.83, "npc"))
## Errors in approximations for E[Y] and V[Y]
grid <- transform(grid,
                  emu = (mu - mean)^2,
                  eva = (va - var)^2)

myreg <- colorRampPalette(c("gray90",  "gray20"))(100)
xy2 <- levelplot(emu ~ phi + mu, data = grid,
                 aspect = "fill",
                 col.regions = myreg,
                 xlab = expression(phi),
                 ylab = expression(mu),
                 sub = "(b)",
                 colorkey = list(space = "top"),
                 par.settings = ps2,
                 panel = function(x, y, z, ...) {
                     panel.levelplot(x, y, z, ...)
                     panel.curve(10 - ( exp(x) - 1)/(2 * exp(x)),
                                 lty = 2)
                     panel.abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

xy3 <- levelplot(eva ~ phi + mu, data = grid,
                 aspect = "fill",
                 col.regions = myreg,
                 xlab = expression(phi),
                 ylab = expression(mu),
                 sub = "(c)",
                 colorkey = list(space = "top"),
                 par.settings = ps2,
                 panel = function(x, y, z, ...) {
                     panel.levelplot(x, y, z, ...)
                     panel.curve((10 - ( exp(x) - 1)/
                                  (2 * exp(x)))/exp(x), lty = 2)
                     panel.abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
print(xy1, split = c(1, 1, 3, 1), more = TRUE)
print(xy2, split = c(2, 1, 3, 1), more = TRUE)
print(xy3, split = c(3, 1, 3, 1), more = FALSE)

## COM-Poisson probability mass function (mean parametrization)
dcmp <- Vectorize(FUN = function(y, mu, phi, sumto = 100)
    exp(-llcmp2(c(phi, log(mu)), y = y, X = 1, sumto = sumto)),
    vectorize.args = c("y", "mu", "phi"))

grid <- expand.grid(mu = c(2, 8, 15), phi = log(c(0.5, 1, 2.5)))
y <- 0:30
py <- mapply(FUN = dcmp,
             mu = grid$mu,
             phi = grid$phi,
             MoreArgs = list(y = y, sumto = 100),
             SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
grid <- cbind(grid[rep(1:nrow(grid), each = length(y)), ],
              y = y,
              py = unlist(py))
## COM-Poisson p.m.f. to different combination betwenn phi and mu
leg_phi <- parse(
    text = paste("phi == \"",
                 formatC(unique(grid$phi), 1, format = "f"),
barchart(py ~ y | factor(mu),
         groups = factor(phi),
         data = grid,
         horizontal = FALSE,
         layout = c(NA, 1),
         as.table = TRUE,
         axis = axis.grid,
         origin = 0,
         xlim = extendrange(y, f = 0.01),
         border = "transparent",
         scales = list(x = list(at = pretty(y))),
         ylab = expression(P(Y==y)),
         xlab = expression(y),
         par.settings = list(
             superpose.polygon = list(col = c(mycol[2:4])),
             superpose.line = list(col = c(mycol[2:4]))
         auto.key = list(
             columns = 3,
             rectangles = FALSE,
             lines = TRUE,
             text = leg_phi
         strip = strip.custom(
             strip.names = TRUE,
    = expression(mu == ""),
             sep = ""))

Defoliation experiment

## =====================================================================
## Analysis of Artificial Defoliation in Cotton Plants
##                                                        Eduardo Junior
##                                                            2017-03-16
## =====================================================================
## Load package and functions



## Colors for legends
cols <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col
## Load data
## data(cottonBolls, package = "cmpreg")
cottonBolls <- read.table("./data/cottonBolls.txt",
                          header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
## 'data.frame':    125 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ est : Factor w/ 5 levels "botão floral",..: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
##  $ des : num  0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 ...
##  $ rept: int  1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ...
##  $ ncap: int  10 9 8 8 10 11 9 10 10 10 ...
## Exploratory analysis

## Scatter plot with a beewarm taste
xy1 <- xyplot(ncap ~ des | est,
              data = cottonBolls,
              layout = c(2, 3),
              as.table = TRUE,
              type = c("p", "smooth", "g"),
              xlab = "Níveis de desfolha artificial",
              ylab = "Número de capulhos produzidos",
              spread = 0.05,
              panel = panel.beeswarm)

## Sample variance vs sample mean (evidence in favor of the
## underdispersion).
mv <- aggregate(ncap ~ est + des, data = cottonBolls,
                FUN = function(x) c(mean = mean(x), var = var(x)))
xlim <- ylim <- extendrange(c(mv$ncap), f = 0.05)

xy2 <- xyplot(ncap[, "var"] ~ ncap[, "mean"],
              data = mv,
              type = c("p", "r", "g"),
              xlim = xlim,
              ylim = ylim,
              xlab = expression("Média"~"amostral"~(bar(y))),
              ylab = expression("Variância"~"amostral"~(s^2)),
              panel = function(...) {
                  panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 2)
print(xy1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
print(xy2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE)

## Fit models

mnames <- c("PO", "C1", "C2", "QP")

## Predictor, following Zeviani et al. (2014)
form1 <- ncap ~ est:(des + I(des^2))

m1PO <- glm(form1, data = cottonBolls, family = poisson)
    m1C1 <- fitcm(form1, data = cottonBolls, model = "CP", sumto = 50)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   4.656   0.000   4.655
    m1C2 <- fitcm(form1, data = cottonBolls, model = "CP2", sumto = 50)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   3.516   0.000   3.518
m1QP <- glm(form1, data = cottonBolls, family = quasipoisson)

models.ncap <- list(m1PO, m1C1, m1C2, m1QP)
names(models.ncap) <- mnames

## Numbers of calls to loglik and numerical gradient
## function gradient 
##       86       39
## function gradient 
##       63       19
## LRT and profile extra parameter

## LRT between Poisson and COM-Poisson (test: phi == 0)
getAnova(m1PO, m1C2)
##   np     ll    AIC  2*dif dif np Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1 11 -255.8 533.61                             
## 2 12 -208.4 440.80 94.811      1  < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
profs.ncap <- lapply(list(c(m1C1, "phi"), c(m1C2, "phi2")),
                     function(x) myprofile(x[[1]], x[[2]]))
profs.ncap <-"rbind", profs.ncap)

## Plot profile extra parameter
snames <- parse(text = c("'COM-Poisson'~(phi)",
xyprofile(profs.ncap, namestrip = snames,
          ylim = extendrange(c(0, 3)),
          xlab = "Dispersion/Precision parameter")

## Goodness of fit measures and estimate parameters

## GoF measures
measures.ncap <- sapply(models.ncap, function(x)
    c("LogLik" = logLik(x), "AIC" = AIC(x), "BIC" = BIC(x)))
##               PO        C1        C2 QP
## LogLik -255.8031 -208.2500 -208.3977 NA
## AIC     533.6062  440.4999  440.7953 NA
## BIC     564.7177  474.4397  474.7351 NA
## Get the estimates
est <- lapply(models.ncap, FUN = function(x) getCoefs(x))
est.ncap <-, est)
##                                    Est      Est/EP         Est      Est/EP
##                                     NA          NA  1.58474438 12.41658734
## (Intercept)                2.189560352 34.57242139 10.89666236  7.75943954
## estbotão floral:des        0.289715410  0.57058563  1.34307061  1.21088166
## estcapulho:des             0.008949298  0.01776502  0.03765465  0.03460873
## estflorescimento:des      -1.242480824 -2.05808949 -5.75045075 -3.88580567
## estmaça:des                0.364871430  0.64487355  1.59496264  1.29750502
## estvegetativo:des          0.436859418  0.84734944  2.01874374  1.76961737
## estbotão floral:I(des^2)  -0.487850140 -0.86132683 -2.26472100 -1.80506216
## estcapulho:I(des^2)       -0.019970497 -0.03614535 -0.09010993 -0.07551137
## estflorescimento:I(des^2)  0.672836705  0.98918234  3.13466390  2.08368190
## estmaça:I(des^2)          -1.310346157 -1.94765883 -5.89433299 -3.65667768
## estvegetativo:I(des^2)    -0.805215332 -1.37899472 -3.72452543 -2.77544938
##                                    Est      Est/EP          Est
##                            1.581686716 12.39219235  0.241024719
## (Intercept)                2.190453506 74.63972962  2.189560352
## estbotão floral:des        0.287644027  1.22265905  0.289715410
## estcapulho:des             0.007556596  0.03238496  0.008949298
## estflorescimento:des      -1.247157801 -4.42015869 -1.242480824
## estmaça:des                0.350034297  1.32799559  0.364871430
## estvegetativo:des          0.434997229  1.81938426  0.436859418
## estbotão floral:I(des^2)  -0.485805354 -1.84993286 -0.487850140
## estcapulho:I(des^2)       -0.018939962 -0.07399356 -0.019970497
## estflorescimento:I(des^2)  0.678814707  2.13491360  0.672836705
## estmaça:I(des^2)          -1.287531326 -4.09513789 -1.310346157
## estvegetativo:I(des^2)    -0.803316413 -2.96133854 -0.805215332
##                                Est/EP
##                                    NA
## (Intercept)               70.42048395
## estbotão floral:des        1.16222453
## estcapulho:des             0.03618553
## estflorescimento:des      -4.19211766
## estmaça:des                1.31354143
## estvegetativo:des          1.72596409
## estbotão floral:I(des^2)  -1.75443459
## estcapulho:I(des^2)       -0.07362438
## estflorescimento:I(des^2)  2.01486318
## estmaça:I(des^2)          -3.96718170
## estvegetativo:I(des^2)    -2.80887111
## Prediction

## Data for prediction
pred <- with(cottonBolls,
                 est = levels(est),
                 des = seq(min(des), max(des), l = 20)
qn <- qnorm(0.975) * c(fit = 0, lwr = -1, upr = 1)

## Design matrix for prediction
X <- model.matrix(update(form1, NULL~.), pred)

## Considering Poisson
aux <- exp(confint(
    glht(m1PO, linfct = X), calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint)
colnames(aux) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "Poisson", aux)
predPO.ncap <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering COM-Poisson
aux <- predictcm(m1C1, newdata = X)
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "COM-Poisson", aux)
predC1.ncap <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering COM-Poisson (mean parametrization)
aux <- predictcm(m1C2, newdata = X)
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "COM-Poisson2", aux)
predC2.ncap <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering Quasi-Poisson
aux <- exp(confint(
    glht(m1QP, linfct = X), calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint)
colnames(aux) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "Quasi-Poisson", aux)
predQP.ncap <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Representing the confidence intervals
pred.ncap <- rbind(predPO.ncap, predC1.ncap, predC2.ncap, predQP.ncap)

## Legend
key <- list(columns = 2,
            lines = list(col = cols[1:4], lty = rev(1:4)),
            text = list(parse(
                text = c("'Poisson'", "'COM-Poisson'",
                         "'COM-Poisson'[mu]", "'Quasi-Poisson'"))
## Graph
xyplot(ncap ~ des | est,
       data = cottonBolls,
       layout = c(NA, 1),
       as.table = TRUE,
       type = c("p", "g"),
       xlab = "Níveis de desfolha artificial",
       ylab = "Número de capulhos produzidos",
       spread = 0.05,
       alpha = 0.6, key = key,
       panel = panel.beeswarm) +
        xyplot(fit ~ des | est,
               auto.key = TRUE,
               data = pred.ncap,
               groups = modelo,
               type = "l",
               layout = c(NA, 1),
               as.table = TRUE,
               ly = pred.ncap$lwr, uy = pred.ncap$upr,
               cty = "bands", fill = "gray80", alpha = 0.1,
               panel = panel.superpose,
               panel.groups = panel.cbH,
               prepanel = cmpreg::prepanel.cbH,
               lty = rev(1:4))

## Correlation between estimates
corr.ncap <- purrr::map_df(models.ncap[c("C1", "C2")],
                           function(x) cov2cor(vcov(x))[1, -1])
## # A tibble: 11 × 2
##              C1            C2
##           <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1   0.995247654  5.217831e-04
## 2   0.152633164 -2.282951e-04
## 3   0.004269042 -1.753199e-04
## 4  -0.489517939 -6.773895e-04
## 5   0.161353485 -1.484546e-03
## 6   0.222881120 -1.647535e-04
## 7  -0.227589625  1.799200e-04
## 8  -0.009463862  1.167071e-04
## 9   0.262871798  6.332628e-04
## 10 -0.457756799  1.774117e-03
## 11 -0.349629408  9.967896e-05

Soybean experiment

## =====================================================================
## Analysis of number of grains in Soyabean under Soil Moisture and
## Potassium Doses
##                                                        Eduardo Junior
##                                                            2017-03-16
## =====================================================================
## Load package and functions



## Colors for legends
cols <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col
## Load data
## data(soyaBeans, package = "cmpreg")
soyaBeans <- read.table("./data/soyaBeans.txt",
                        header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
soyaBeans$umid <- as.factor(soyaBeans$umid)
soyaBeans <- soyaBeans[-74, ] ## Incorrect observation
soyaBeans <- transform(soyaBeans, K = K/100)
## Exploratory analysis

## Scatter plot
xy1 <- xyplot(ngra ~ K | umid,
              data = soyaBeans,
              xlab = "Nível de adubação potássica",
              ylab = "Número de grãos por parcela",
              type = c("p", "g", "smooth"),
              as.table =  TRUE,
              layout = c(2, 2),
              strip = strip.custom(
                  strip.names = TRUE, = "Umidade",
                  factor.levels = paste0(levels(soyaBeans$umid), "%")))

## Sample variance vs sample mean (evidence in favor of the
## overdispersion).
mv <- aggregate(ngra ~ K + umid, data = soyaBeans,
                FUN = function(x) c(mean = mean(x), var = var(x)))
xlim <- ylim <- extendrange(c(mv$ngra), f = 0.05)

xy2 <- xyplot(ngra[, "var"] ~ ngra[, "mean"],
              data = mv,
              type = c("p", "r", "g"),
              xlim = xlim,
              ylim = ylim,
              xlab = expression("Média"~"amostral"~(bar(y))),
              ylab = expression("Variância"~"amostral"~(s^2)),
              panel = function(...) {
                  panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 2)
print(xy1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
print(xy2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE)

## Fit models

## Predictor
form2 <-  ngra ~ bloc + umid * K + I(K^2)

m2PO <- glm(form2, data = soyaBeans, family = poisson)
    m2C1 <- fitcm(form2, data = soyaBeans, model = "CP", sumto = 700)
##    user  system elapsed 
##  27.976   0.004  27.985
    m2C2 <- fitcm(form2, data = soyaBeans, model = "CP2", sumto = 700)
##    user  system elapsed 
##  14.044   0.004  14.050
m2QP <- glm(form2, data = soyaBeans, family = quasipoisson)

models.ngra <- list(m2PO, m2C1, m2C2, m2QP)
names(models.ngra) <- mnames

## Numbers of calls to loglik and numerical gradient
## function gradient 
##      264       72
## function gradient 
##       78       20
## LRT and profile extra parameter

## LRT between Poisson and COM-Poisson (test: phi == 0)
getAnova(m2PO, m2C2)
##   np      ll    AIC  2*dif dif np Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1 11 -340.08 702.16                             
## 2 12 -325.23 674.47 29.697      1  5.052e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
profs.ngra <- lapply(list(c(m2C1, "phi"), c(m2C2, "phi2")),
                     function(x) myprofile(x[[1]], x[[2]]))
profs.ngra <-"rbind", profs.ngra)

## Plot profile extra parameter
snames <- parse(text = c("'COM-Poisson'~(phi)",
xyprofile(profs.ngra, namestrip = snames,
          ylim = extendrange(c(0, 3)),
          xlab = "Dispersion/Precision parameter",
          scales.x = NULL)

## Goodness of fit measures and estimate parameters

## GoF measures
measures.ngra <- sapply(models.ngra, function(x)
    c("LogLik" = logLik(x), "AIC" = AIC(x), "BIC" = BIC(x)))
##               PO        C1        C2 QP
## LogLik -340.0818 -325.2409 -325.2334 NA
## AIC     702.1635  674.4817  674.4668 NA
## BIC     727.5083  702.1305  702.1156 NA
## Get the estimates
est <- lapply(models.ngra, FUN = function(x) getCoefs(x))
est.ngra <-, est)
##                     Est      Est/EP          Est     Est/EP         Est
##                      NA          NA -0.778547541 -4.7208417 -0.78208463
## (Intercept)  4.86663406 144.2885947  2.232040988  6.0415142  4.86659270
## blocII      -0.01939070  -0.7302129 -0.008929678 -0.4939046 -0.01940469
## blocIII     -0.03662632  -1.3732566 -0.016867366 -0.9212309 -0.03663866
## blocIV      -0.10559332  -3.8890255 -0.048633814 -2.4223326 -0.10555415
## blocV       -0.09164670  -3.2997067 -0.042207142 -2.1020159 -0.09169581
## umid50       0.13202198   3.6471269  0.060853865  2.2948915  0.13201627
## umid62.5     0.12430785   3.4318953  0.057301026  2.1772441  0.12430805
## K            0.61599366  11.0138894  0.283863485  4.7291342  0.61612811
## I(K^2)      -0.27594121 -10.2501073 -0.127151306 -4.5890201 -0.27600680
## umid50:K     0.14555067   4.2679607  0.066986558  2.6137768  0.14556134
## umid62.5:K   0.16481872   4.8294234  0.075857611  2.8842900  0.16481527
##                 Est/EP         Est     Est/EP
##             -4.7371043  2.61509049         NA
## (Intercept) 97.7807529  4.86663406 89.2254286
## blocII      -0.4950102 -0.01939070 -0.4515503
## blocIII     -0.9305848 -0.03662632 -0.8491968
## blocIV      -2.6337588 -0.10559332 -2.4049022
## blocV       -2.2366064 -0.09164670 -2.0404783
## umid50       2.4715036  0.13202198  2.2553166
## umid62.5     2.3257542  0.12430785  2.1222213
## K            7.4639917  0.61599366  6.8107878
## I(K^2)      -6.9458464 -0.27594121 -6.3384790
## umid50:K     2.8921765  0.14555067  2.6392289
## umid62.5:K   3.2722880  0.16481872  2.9864271
## Prediction

## Data for prediction
pred <- with(soyaBeans,
                 bloc = factor(levels(bloc)[1], levels = levels(bloc)),
                 umid = levels(umid),
                 K = seq(min(K), max(K), l = 20)
qn <- qnorm(0.975) * c(fit = 0, lwr = -1, upr = 1)

## Design matrix for prediction
X <- model.matrix(update(form2, NULL ~ .), pred)
bl <- attr(X, "assign") == 1
X[, bl] <- X[, bl] + 1/(sum(bl) + 1)

## Considering Poisson
aux <- exp(confint(
    glht(m2PO, linfct = X), calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint)
colnames(aux) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "Poisson", aux)
predPO.ngra <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering COM-Poisson
aux <- predictcm(m2C1, newdata = X)
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "COM-Poisson", aux)
predC1.ngra <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering COM-Poisson (mean parametrization)
aux <- predictcm(m2C2, newdata = X)
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "COM-Poisson2", aux)
predC2.ngra <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering Quasi-Poisson
aux <- exp(confint(
    glht(m2QP, linfct = X), calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint)
colnames(aux) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "Quasi-Poisson", aux)
predQP.ngra <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Representing the confidence intervals
pred.ngra <- rbind(predPO.ngra, predC1.ngra, predC2.ngra, predQP.ngra)

## Legend
key <- list(columns = 2,
            lines = list(col = cols[1:4], lty = rev(1:4)),
            text = list(parse(
                text = c("'Poisson'", "'COM-Poisson'",
                         "'COM-Poisson'[mu]", "'Quasi-Poisson'"))
## Graph
update(xy1, layout = c(NA, 1), type = c("p", "g"),
       alpha = 0.6, key = key) +
        xyplot(fit ~ K | umid,
               data = pred.ngra,
               groups = modelo,
               type = "l",
               ly = pred.ngra$lwr, uy = pred.ngra$upr,
               cty = "bands", fill = "gray80", alpha = 0.1,
               panel = panel.superpose,
               panel.groups = panel.cbH,
               prepanel = cmpreg::prepanel.cbH,
               lty = rev(1:4))

## Correlation between estimates
corr.ngra <- purrr::map_df(models.ngra[c("C1", "C2")],
                           function(x) cov2cor(vcov(x))[1, -1])
## # A tibble: 11 × 2
##             C1            C2
##          <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1   0.99807743  2.815933e-04
## 2  -0.08098072  9.509210e-05
## 3  -0.15103753  8.359179e-05
## 4  -0.39706227 -3.047646e-04
## 5  -0.34459432  3.487660e-04
## 6   0.37561348  1.943150e-05
## 7   0.35632417 -2.164181e-05
## 8   0.77459471 -4.902517e-04
## 9  -0.75177928  4.852495e-04
## 10  0.42905820 -5.339187e-05
## 11  0.47342759  3.661366e-05

Nitrofen experiment

## =====================================================================
## Analysis of number of grains in Soyabean under Soil Moisture and
## Potassium Doses
##                                                        Eduardo Junior
##                                                            2017-03-16
## =====================================================================
## Load package and functions



## Colors for legends
cols <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col
## Load data
## data(nitrofen, package = "boot")
## data(Paula, package = "labestData")
## nitrofen <- PaulaEx4.6.20
nitrofen <- read.table("./data/nitrofen.txt",
                       header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
nitrofen <- transform(nitrofen, dose = dose/100)
## Exploratory analysis

## Scatter plot
xy1 <- xyplot(novos ~ dose,
              data = nitrofen,
              xlab = "Nível de adubação potássica",
              ylab = "Número de grãos por parcela",
              type = c("p", "g", "smooth"),
              spread = 0.05,
              panel = panel.beeswarm)

## Sample variance vs sample mean (evidence in favor of the
## relationship with dispersion and covariate).
mv <- aggregate(novos ~ dose, data = nitrofen,
                FUN = function(x) c(mean = mean(x), var = var(x)))
xlim <- ylim <- extendrange(c(mv$novos), f = 0.05)

xy2 <- xyplot(novos[, "var"] ~ novos[, "mean"],
              data = mv,
              type = c("p", "r", "g"),
              xlim = xlim,
              ylim = ylim,
              xlab = expression("Média"~"amostral"~(bar(y))),
              ylab = expression("Variância"~"amostral"~(s^2)),
              panel = function(...) {
                  panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 2)
print(xy1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
print(xy2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE)

## Fit models
mnames <- c("PO", "C1", "C2", "QP")

## Predictors
form31 <-  novos ~ dose
form32 <-  novos ~ dose + I(dose^2)
form33 <-  novos ~ dose + I(dose^2) + I(dose^3)

predictors <- list("pred1" = form31, "pred2" = form32, "pred3" = form33)
fmodels.ovos <- lapply(predictors, function(form) {
    PO <- glm(form, data = nitrofen, family = poisson)
    C1 <- fitcm(form, data = nitrofen, model = "CP", sumto = 100)
    C2 <- fitcm(form, data = nitrofen, model = "CP2", sumto = 100)
    QP <- glm(form, data = nitrofen, family = quasipoisson)
    list("PO" = PO, "C1" = C1, "C2" = C2, "QP" = QP)
## LRT for nested models

## Poisson
auxPO <- lapply(fmodels.ovos, function(x) x$PO)"getAnova", auxPO)
##   np      ll    AIC   2*dif dif np Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1  2 -180.67 365.33                              
## 2  3 -147.01 300.02 67.3192      1  2.309e-16 ***
## 3  4 -144.09 296.18  5.8354      1    0.01571 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## COM-Poisson standard
auxC1 <- lapply(fmodels.ovos, function(x) x$C1)"getAnova", auxC1)
##   np      ll    AIC   2*dif dif np Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1  3 -167.95 341.91                              
## 2  4 -146.96 301.93 41.9797      1  9.222e-11 ***
## 3  5 -144.06 298.13  5.7998      1    0.01603 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## COM-Poisson mean-parameterized
auxC2 <- lapply(fmodels.ovos, function(x) x$C2)"getAnova", auxC2)
##   np      ll    AIC   2*dif dif np Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1  3 -167.65 341.30                              
## 2  4 -146.95 301.90 41.4047      1  1.238e-10 ***
## 3  5 -144.06 298.13  5.7725      1    0.01628 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Quasi-Poisson
auxQP <- lapply(fmodels.ovos, function(x) x$QP)"getAnova", auxQP)
##   np     dev AIC      F dif np    Pr(>F)    
## 1  2 123.929                                
## 2  3  56.610     60.840      1 5.073e-10 ***
## 3  4  50.774      5.659      1   0.02157 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Separe the choose models

form3 <- form33
m3PO <- fmodels.ovos$pred3$PO
m3C1 <- fmodels.ovos$pred3$C1
m3C2 <- fmodels.ovos$pred3$C2
m3QP <- fmodels.ovos$pred3$QP

models.ovos <- list(m3PO, m3C1, m3C2, m3QP)
names(models.ovos) <- mnames

## Numbers of calls to loglik and numerical gradient
## function gradient 
##       56       10
## function gradient 
##       46        8
## LRT and profile extra parameter

## LRT between Poisson and COM-Poisson (test: phi == 0)
getAnova(m3PO, m3C2)
##   np      ll    AIC    2*dif dif np Pr(>Chisq)
## 1  4 -144.09 296.18                           
## 2  5 -144.06 298.13 0.052935      1      0.818
profs.novos <- lapply(list(c(m3C1, "phi"), c(m3C2, "phi2")),
                     function(x) myprofile(x[[1]], x[[2]]))
profs.novos <-"rbind", profs.novos)

## Plot profile extra parameter
snames <- parse(text = c("'COM-Poisson'~(phi)",
xyprofile(profs.novos, namestrip = snames,
          ylim = extendrange(c(0, 3)),
          xlab = "Dispersion/Precision parameter",
          scales.x = NULL) +
    layer(panel.abline(v = 0, col = 2, lty = 2))

## Goodness of fit measures and estimate parameters

## GoF measures
measures.ovos <- sapply(models.ovos, function(x)
    c("LogLik" = logLik(x), "AIC" = AIC(x), "BIC" = BIC(x)))
##               PO        C1        C2 QP
## LogLik -144.0901 -144.0644 -144.0636 NA
## AIC     296.1802  298.1288  298.1272 NA
## BIC     303.8283  307.6889  307.6874 NA
## Get the estimates
est <- lapply(models.ovos, FUN = function(x) getCoefs(x))
est.ovos <-, est)
##                     Est     Est/EP         Est     Est/EP         Est
##                      NA         NA  0.04822702  0.2355371  0.04742685
## (Intercept)  3.47673043 62.8166664  3.64941764  4.8498534  3.47687492
## dose        -0.08604628 -0.4327654 -0.09137570 -0.4475093 -0.08786760
## I(dose^2)    0.15290176  0.8633605  0.16121072  0.8782597  0.15470220
## I(dose^3)   -0.09723110 -2.3977670 -0.10208018 -2.2293683 -0.09764724
##                 Est/EP         Est     Est/EP
##              0.2317296  1.03117215         NA
## (Intercept) 64.3083270  3.47673043 61.8599120
## dose        -0.4522797 -0.08604628 -0.4261740
## I(dose^2)    0.8938402  0.15290176  0.8502107
## I(dose^3)   -2.4635375 -0.09723110 -2.3612469
## Prediction

## Data for prediction
pred <- with(nitrofen,
             data.frame("dose" = seq(min(dose), max(dose),
                                     length.out = 100)))
qn <- qnorm(0.975) * c(fit = 0, lwr = -1, upr = 1)

## Design matrix for prediction
X <- model.matrix(update(form3, NULL ~ .), pred)

## Considering Poisson
aux <- exp(confint(
    glht(m3PO, linfct = X), calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint)
colnames(aux) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "Poisson", aux)
predPO.novos <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering COM-Poisson
aux <- predictcm(m3C1, newdata = X)
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "COM-Poisson", aux)
predC1.novos <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering COM-Poisson (mean parametrization)
aux <- predictcm(m3C2, newdata = X)
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "COM-Poisson2", aux)
predC2.novos <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Considering Quasi-Poisson
aux <- exp(confint(
    glht(m3QP, linfct = X), calpha = univariate_calpha())$confint)
colnames(aux) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
aux <- data.frame(modelo = "Quasi-Poisson", aux)
predQP.novos <- cbind(pred, aux)

## Representing the confidence intervals
pred.novos <- rbind(predPO.novos, predC1.novos, predC2.novos, predQP.novos)
ord <- order(pred.novos$dose, pred.novos$modelo)
pred.novos <- pred.novos[ord, ]

## Legend
key <- list(columns = 2,
            lines = list(col = cols[1:4], lty = rev(1:4), cex = 0.7),
            text = list(parse(
                text = c("'Poisson'", "'COM-Poisson'",
                         "'COM-Poisson'[mu]", "'Quasi-Poisson'"))
## Graph
xyplot(novos ~ dose,
       data = nitrofen,
       xlab = "Nível de adubação potássica",
       ylab = "Número de grãos por parcela",
       type = c("p", "g"),
       alpha = 0.6, key = key,
       spread = 0.05,
       panel = panel.beeswarm) +
        xyplot(fit ~ dose,
               auto.key = TRUE,
               data = pred.novos,
               groups = modelo,
               type = "l",
               ly = pred.novos$lwr, uy = pred.novos$upr,
               cty = "bands", fill = "gray80", alpha = 0.1,
               panel = panel.superpose,
               panel.groups = panel.cbH,
               prepanel = prepanel.cbH,
               lty = rev(1:4))

## Correlation between estimates
corr.ovos <- purrr::map_df(models.ovos[c("C1", "C2")],
                           function(x) cov2cor(vcov(x))[1, -1])
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##            C1            C2
##         <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1  0.99715975 -0.0002671404
## 2 -0.07705505  0.0023319568
## 3  0.15619759 -0.0028685746
## 4 -0.42226644  0.0033258041