## ## A note on the kriging with external trend ## To perform " kriging with external trend" and/ou "universal kriging" you need the value of the covariates on both: data locations and prediction locations. Therefore in geoR implementation you use: - "trend.d" to specify the trend values at data locations - "trend.l" to specify the trend values at prediction locations For example to perform a kriging with a 2nd degree polynomial + a covariate you will need the values of this covariate at both, data and prediction locations. Consider the following example having the objects: "foo" : is a geodata object with a covariate called "foocov" "gr" : is a matrix with coordinates of the prediction locations "grcov" : is the covariate values at the prediction locations Now assume you are performing kriging with 2nd degree polynomial trend plus the covariate. The code would be something along the lines: > kc <- krige.control(obj.m=fit, trend.d = trend.spatial("2nd", geodata=foo, add = ~foocov), trend.l = trend.spatial("2nd", geodata=list(coords=gr), add = ~grcov)) > kc <- krige.conv(foo, loc=gr, krige=kc)